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A Grain Storage System can be defined as the space which are meant for storing grain while keeping the grain of good quality as well as protecting it from external factors, organisms and wastage. It is necessary to store crops as this practice helps preventing enormous losses as well as maintaining the quality of the crops, and there is constant supply during all seasons. The following is a detailed description of grain storage systems such as the various types, significance, details and other recent innovations.
Importance of Grain Storage System
Preventing Spoilage: Grains in the absence of an appropriate storage system are at a risk of spoilage from moisture and even insects and bacteria. Appropriate storage systems ensure that the grain is kept in appropriate conditions, hence less chances of spoilage or getting contaminated.
Maintaining Quality: For extended periods, grain storage systems help in maintaining the physical, chemical and nutritional characteristics of grains. This makes it possible that the grain is safe for feeding, sowing and for any other future procedures.
Ensuring Supply: Safe storage of grains by the farmers and grain producing individuals facilitates the offsetting of the demand and supplies during periods of production and seasons. This provides food even in months when harvests cannot be collected ensuring that markets operate as expected and shortages are avoided.
Economic Impact: Adequate storage systems help in reducing post-harvest losses, creating market openings, and consequently improving the profitability of grain production. More developed storage facilities allow the producers to be able to sell when the prices are more favorable instead of selling immediately after harvest.
Elements of a Grain Storage System
A grain storage system is not just a concrete facility but there are a number of determinants involved in the improvement of the storage, consumption, and preservation of a grain unit. Some of the key components are:
Grain Storage Structures: These include silos, bins, cribs, or warehouses of about the grain which are built vertical.
Aeration Systems: Aeration systems maintain the desired levels of air determination and moisture in the storage container in effect. This moisture could lead to the molding of the grains while dry air inhibits spoilage.
Temperature Control: Sufficient care is taken to avoid spoilage or infestation which could lead to those unedibles. There is also an inbuilt sensor and a temperature control systems in these modern storages to ensure the grain is at required optimal temperatures.
Grain Handling Equipment: These are assemblages like elevators, augers and conveyors that move grain into and out of storage facilities.
Fumigation Systems: For the grain to be safe from various organisms such as insects and rodents fumigation treatments are done to the grain storage area regularly in order for the grain to be preserved for long periods.